Trademark registration in coimbatore | Trademark registration in Coimbatore

Trademark registration in coimbatore


Trademark registration trademark is a distinctive sign or indicator used by an organization to identify itself and its goods, products or services from those of others in order to distinguish its trademarked goods, products or services from the competitors' trademarked goods. A trademark can be registered under the Trademark Act 1999 which came into force on November 15, 1999.

Trademark is the name given to a unique brand or logo that distinguishes a trademark from other marks. The trademark registration process involves filing an application for trademark by trademark registration in coimbatore with trademark office and will be examined whether it meets all requirements of trademark registrations as per Trademark Act, 1999 . If accepted, it will be published for opposition and trademark registration certificate will be issued.

Trademarks help gain public recognition and trust by creating a unique symbol of your trademark. Many companies trademark their company name as trademark as it is the most popular form of trademark registration however trademarks can also include symbols, colors, sounds, scents logos or slogans that help to distinguish your trademark.

Before trademark registration trademark owners are not able to stop others from trademark infringement or trademark dilution. It is very important to trademark your trademark so trademark registrations protect it and ensure that you are the only one who can use your symbol as a trademark.

There are different types of trademarks which include fanciful, arbitrary, suggestive, descriptive and generic trademarks.A trademark that fails to meet the trademark standards is said to be 'deceptively misdescriptive trademark'. The trademark registration process includes five mandatory requirements which are as follows:

- it should be a trademark or can capable of becoming trademark

- it should be distinctive

- it should not be capable of trademark registration in coimbatore trademark registrations deceptively misdescriptive trademark

- it should not be trademark registrations deceptively misdescriptive trademark with trademark registrations similar to trademark registrations of existing trademark

- it should not fall into the category of prohibited trademarks.

The process of trademark registration starts with filing an application for trademark registration with trademark office which will be examined whether it is trademark or not. If trademark registration officials are satisfied, trademark application may proceed for publication for opposition after publishing trademark application trademark registrations can proceed forward to trademark registrations certificate stage.


I am Blogger, SEO Analyst, Content writer and Freelancer.

1 comment:

  1. A Trademark Registration Company in Delhi offers specialized services to help businesses protect their brand identity. These companies assist in the entire trademark registration process, from conducting searches to filing applications and responding to objections. With their expertise, businesses can ensure their trademarks are legally recognized and safeguarded against infringement.
