Ways To Protect Business By Trademark: | Trademark registration in Coimbatore

Ways To Protect Business By Trademark:

"We ensure the Best Services for the Registration of Trademark to protect your Business at Affordable Prices in Coimbatore." We strive to provide the most efficient service to our clients."

Trademark Registration requires fully functional organization's. Usually, the TM is also called Brand or Logo to protects the product or service from others. Many business establishments offer products or services with names that appear similar and make the original brand owner lose Business and brand value. Sometimes confusion is intentionally created to bring the industry to the actual brand owner.

What is a Registered Trademark?

A registered trademark represents the company or its products or services, either by way of a brand, logo, or Trademark, that can differentiate the product in the marketplace. A trademark can only be registered after satisfying the conditions of the Trade Marks Act 1999.

Validity Period

The validity of the registered TM is ten years. Probably Renewal fees renew a further period of 10 years on payment.

How registered TM protects the Business?

Ways To Protect Business

Trademark Services protects the business interests in many ways, for example:-

Can take action against any individual or private limited company trying to use the registered TM name illegally and without authorization.

Infringement of the right to produce an intellectual property can be dealt with in several ways. 

Customers and clients cannot use the law to claim compensation for goods or services purchased from a duplicate firm that is in any way counterfeit.

Case Study

I can tell you there have been many businesses and firms losing the confidence of consumers and the brand value of their company because they did not apply for trademark protection. 

Several years ago, when India launched PEPSI, a brand of Cola was available throughout many rural areas. It cleverly names Pepsi.

With a small change in spelling, the duplicate product sells with identity logo design and color combination. During this period, Pepsi lost a lot of revenue to this problem, but thankfully since Pepsi is a well-known brand with a registered trademark, it could get these duplicate entities shut down. Similarly, TM services will help bring your product to the limelight and preserve the interests of the occupation of the smaller organization in Bangalore.

Why Choose us?

India governs all Trade Marks Act 1999. An office in India's five states is responsible for registering trademarks, namely Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and Kolkata. This process usually takes 18 months to complete. It is also possible for the applicant to use the word in the meantime with a TM registration alongside it. This involves a great deal of attention to detail, which is why it is always best to consult an expert such as SV Consultant. Register the trademark application online!

Registration Process:

An application for registration is filed with our firm, which professionally handles the process. Once the process is underway, we assist in protecting the business interests of the client. We will advertise on the Registry and notify the public if firms or products have the same name as another. When SV Consultant is handled, the client need not worry about infringement of the Trademark.


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