Trademark Registration Procedure | Trademark registration in Coimbatore

Trademark Registration Procedure

Trademark Registration Procedure Upon filing this application, the registry will subject us to a formal reception with the date and amount allocated to the program.   The Indian Trade Marks Office officially examines the program because of its inherent registrability or any similarity with existing marks.  When an objection to registration is increased, a formal exam report will matter.

 To overcome the objection, it's essential to submit a written reply or introducing evidence of acquired distinctiveness, and generally, an interview/hearing using the examiner is presented.  The Registrar will require the applicant to submit an affidavit testifying to this client with displays showing the mark as used. If, after examination, the trademark application is deemed allowable, a Letter of Acceptance (TLA sequence ) will matter, and the signature will be released in the Trade Marks Journal.  

Trademark Registration is a tedious process, and it requires around 18-24 weeks to receive registration in a specific circumstance, with no objections or oppositions.  But as soon as the trademark application is filed, an application amount is allocated instantly, and the priority begins from the program's date. The registration can subsequently be renewed forever provided that the renewal fees are paid each ten decades.


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